GLE Example:

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!   These graphs illustrate the correlation of the heights and di-!
! ameters of a set of InAs self-organized quantum-dots (QD), grown!
! over GaAs by means of Molecular Beam Epitaxy.                   !
!   The figure was obtained by means of Atomic Force Microscopy.  !
! The histograms was obtained from the figure by counting and     !
! measuring the height and diameter of each quantum-dot (each     !
! circle). The correlation gives rise to what is known as quantum-!
! dots families.                                                  !
!                                                                 !
! Author:  Ivan Ramos Pagnossin                                   !
! Data:    December 2003                                          !
! Project: Master thesis                                          !

size 15 15

set font texcmr

! Graph at the lower left corner.
amove 1.5 1.25
begin graph
   size 6 6
   xaxis min 20 max 80 dticks 10 dsubticks 5
   yaxis min 0  max 15 dticks 5  dsubticks 1
   xtitle "Diameter (nm)"
   ytitle "Height (nm)"
   ! Quantum dots (QD) diameter-height correlation data.
   data "/examples/2dplots/3um/3um_diameterXheight.dat"
   d1 marker fcircle msize 0.05
end graph

! Graph at the upper left corner.
amove 1.5 7.25
begin graph
   size 6 6
   xaxis min 20 max 80 dticks 10 dsubticks 5
   yaxis min -1 max 12 dticks 5  dsubticks 1
   xlabels  off
   x2labels on
   x2title "Diameter (nm)"
   ytitle "QDs surface density (10^8 cm^{-2})"
   ! Quantum-dots (QD) diameter distribution.
   data "/examples/2dplots/3um/3um_diameter.dat"
   bar d1 width 0.4 color grey10 fill grey10
end graph

! Graph at the lower right corner.
amove 7.5 1.25
begin graph
   size 6 6
   xaxis min -1 max 12 dticks 5 dsubticks 1
   yaxis min 0  max 15 dticks 5 dsubticks 1
   ylabels  off
   y2labels on
   xtitle "QDs surface density (10^8 cm^{-2})"
   y2title "Height (nm)"
   ! Quantum-dots (QD) height distribution.
   data "/examples/2dplots/3um/3um_height.dat" 
   bar d1 horiz width 0.1 color grey10 fill grey10 
end graph

! Atomic-force microscopy image at the upper right corner.
amove 8.2 7.95
begin name img
   bitmap "/examples/2dplots/3um/3um.png" 5 5
end name

set just cc
amove ptx( pty(
write "Atomic Force Microscopy image"

amove ptx( pty(
aline ptx( pty( arrow both
amove ptx(img.bc) pty(img.bc)-0.3
begin box add 0.1 nobox fill white
   tex "3 $\mathrm{\mu m}$"
end box

set hei 0.45
amove 7.5 14.7
write "Self-organized InAs quantum-dots (QD) height-diameter correlation"


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